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Here are before & after photos of xeriscape conversions through the City of Fort Collins Xeriscape Incentive Program (XIP); maintenance properties; as well as plants and animals spotted while working.

Front Yard - Before
XIP project. 1000 sq. ft. of high maintenance Kentucky bluegrass in the front yard.

Front Yard - In Progress
Cardboard and mulch laid down over grass. Concrete chunks from the driveway replacement are used to build up berms.

Front yard - After
XIP project: Low budget, simple xeric planting. To retain rainwater, the slope of yard was lessened by building up berms near sidewalk.

Xeriscape conversion 5 years later


Grape soda iris

Audabon Society Habitat Hero Yard Sign

xeriscaped maintenance property

Freshly cut turf

Completed xeriscape conversion

Front of house before

Front property line
Dry grass at property line.
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